Thursday 5 December 2013


Director: Ken Scott
Cast: Vince Vaughn , Chris Pratt , Cobie Smulders
Plot: David Wozniak learns that as a sperm donor with the alias "Starbuck," he has fathered over 530 children. When a large group of them petition the sperm bank to reveal his identity, David has to decide whether or not to come forward. Simultaneously, his own girlfriend is deciding whether he would make a suitable father.


My Movie Review: The movie is short in delivery, it has a nice concept but didn't push the envelope and limited ending. The message is good, about unconditional family whose father tries to figure out his purpose in life and children wants sense of belongingness to their father but it lacks spice and variation. I want it to have more complication so when the problem was solved, the feeling would be great but it chooses to be simple and safety.
My Favorite Term: Starbuck

Starbuck means 'astronaut'. It is of English origin and is generally used for both boys and girls. It is pronounced Star-buck and is made up of two syllables and eight letters.


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