Sunday 9 June 2019


Director: David Yarovesky
Cast: Jackson A. Dunn , Elizabeth Banks , David Denman , Matt L. Jones , Meredith Hagner , Becky Wahlstrom , Steve Agee , Gregory Alan Williams , Emmie Hunter , Stephen Blackehart
Plot: What if a child from another world crash-landed on Earth, but instead of becoming a hero to mankind, he proved to be something far more sinister? With Brightburn, the visionary filmmaker of Guardians of the Galaxy and Slither presents a startling, subversive take on a radical new genre: superhero horror.

My Movie Review: The movie is shocking superhero take that want to cut us with alien horror! Brightburn is very unique not only for its radical new genre also for its bizarre special effects as the young protege fly fast to strike leaving us surprise with a sudden fear on what's going next!! The story took some nasty turn when he kill the waitress on a diner one of the film's highlight is he become dangerous and unforgiving from then on it's a entertaining killing spree with the car accident set-up and killing foster parents in a disgust horrifying way dropping one from the sky! Elizabeth Banks make a huge comeback in the big screen as the loving mother who try to rave her unusual son doing with husband that losing his tolerance to the point shooting child's head! The thing that gets me is how clever it is pitch-black promise with diverting subversion of super high concept hypothesis at the center of Brightburn you never know what your getting until the last shot when you just witness the origin story flip into something else unexpected supremacy!

Metacritic Reviews: Brightburn doesn't ask if you want blood, but you've damn-well got it in this nastily gruesome superhero hack-n-slash that's a nightmare for parents everywhere. The film is a gem, especially for anyone yearning for a superhero film that gleefully torches the familiar “good versus evil” formula and introduces far more sinister sensibilities. It may be an elevator pitch stretched to 90 minutes, and never aspires to more than that, but it's a fine and distinct fun house ride designed to elicit cackles, then be forgotten about by the next ride. As a comic book fan and a horror movie buff, this movie nailed it for me! I will definitely be watching Brightburn multiple times in the future. One of the few movies I’ve enjoyed in a while with an ending that wasn’t too expected. Worth seeing. A nice, well acted super villain/horror flim that pulls off some nice visual kills. Still can't believe this one was pulled off with such small budget!


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