Monday 2 December 2019


Director: Brian Kirk
Cast: Chadwick Boseman , Sienna Miller , Stephan James , Taylor Kitsch , J.K. Simmons , Keith David , Gary Carr , Jamie Neumann , Louis Cancelmi , Morocco Omari , Katie McClellan
Plot: Thrust into a citywide manhunt for a duo of cop killers, NYPD detective Andre Davis begins to uncover a massive conspiracy that links his fellow police officers to a criminal empire and must decide who he is hunting and who is actually hunting him. During the manhunt, Manhattan is completely locked down for the first time in its history no exit or entry to the island including all 21 bridges.

My Movie Review: The movie is fast paced action thriller that blows over in slow burn set-up:) 21 Bridges is far from perfect but deliver grand in a small scale pond of cops who follow police procedural throwback giving us pulpy sturdy thriller to follow though a bit predictable it satisfy the action genre fans given a short amount of time just wish it expand few areas for big impact! Chadwick Boseman is proven to be a bonifide leading man as he command attention when on big screen nobody outshine him given there's few actors who sure deliver strong performance:) He battles his way through an investigation that leads him to uncover unsettling things to get to the truth behind a brutal attack on Brooklyn officers that become a showdown within workforce! Brian Kirk's direction is excellent keeping the film constantly moving and mobile resulting in over the top action sequence and great pacing-make the viewers tune-in and wanting for more!

Critics Consensus: 21 Bridges covers its beat competently enough, but given its impressive cast, this cop thriller should be more arresting than it is. There are topical moments here as the film toys with public perceptions of US police brutality. And Boseman proves, yet again, to be an easy leading man whose default setting is somewhere between smouldering interiority and outright charm. It's the kind of role Gary Cooper used to play, albeit in a dusty Western town rather than gritty New York. A high-concept thriller with a ticking clock and a killer premise, though it doesn't totally deliver on that promise. One of the most entertaining and thoughtful American policiers in recent memory. Boseman stands out per usual and finds a way to elevate the material- in this case fairly standard cop movie. A solid even enjoyable cop movie precisely that sort of instantly-forgettable thriller that one used to stumble' upon on a late-night television!


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