Saturday 11 March 2023


Director: Marcos Bucay
Cast: Aldo Escalante Ochoa , Ricardo Polanco , Natalia Téllez , Fabrizio Santini , Seo Ju Park, Giuseppe Gamba , Sebastián Zurita , María Chacón , Jacobo Fasja , Moises Dayan Schneider
Plot: Two directionless millennials get high and while blind drunk, the two unemployed millennials entrepreneurs post a video pitch about their revolutionary app to a crowdfunding site. When the app catches fire and they accidentally raise millions of dollars they actually have to create the app.

My Movie Review: The movie is Mexican satire on the gig economy that savagely rips and gleefully satirizes the ego-driven app world described as "nerds who want to save the world," those nerds achieve aspiration to make up problems and then invent apps to solve them! Bankrolled is goofy as it bluff its way to the top of the tech world's young dot-com millionaires this is an accidental tale of getting rich from a progressive perspective with their new found wealth comes to unfolds high risks, they embark on a journey to become relevant in the world:) This movie suggests that greedy creators exploit gullibility and addiction to smartphones as they use social media, games, and likes to attract users who will feel good about politically correct behavior since many teens live in an app-dominated world, this may appeal, partly for the merciless mockery of that obsession' as sometimes for performance enhancing to get high! Bankrolled spins the idea of start-up businesses and blends that into a goofy slapstick comedy, leaning in hard on the satire which is rare for this genre giving a mixed bag of default reactions! Bankrolled’s story is pretty formulaic but it does well to satirize large parts of start-up culture! Everything from TedTalks to investors are poked fun at, but the movie blends this clever form of comedy with low-brow crudeness undermine to lead with loose romance tied along for the ride!

Critic Reviews: Bankrolled is a comedy about the invention of a social justice app but requires an update. Bankrolled savagely rips and gleefully satirizes the ego-driven app world. "Ah, so this is 'The Producers' with a hint of classic Cheech & Chong ("Nice Dreams") and a lot of satirical invention?" Something like that. Just go with it. Natalia Tellez is terrific as Nat, the ambitious crowdfunding exec who wants to believe in the word salad blather of her tech bro boss but knows deep down that there’s no substance to a platform that only chases figments of what’s next to see. Tellez adds some real pathos to a film built largely and purposefully around caricatures. Polo (Aldo Escalante Ochoa) and Blas (Ricardo Polanco) have slacked away their twentysomethings in Mexico City. Blas has a nose for gourmet coffee and can throw down with the best baristas, but Polo says he has a superiority complex disguised as not giving a fuck! Bankrolled Netflix Mexican Comedy About Startup Culture And Finding Your Personal Brand>) When Bankrolled reaches its nadir, that the true measure of a person isn’t in hearts, likes, and follows but instead the old fashioned notion of personhood and human contact, it’s unplugging its characters for screen downtime. Bankrolled takes a lighthearted spin through the Internet and startup obsession of the moment, couches the whole thing in search for one’s real identity!

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