Saturday 13 July 2019


Director: Tate Taylor
Cast: Octavia Spencer , Diana Silvers , Luke Evans , Tate Taylor , Missi Pyle , McKaley Miller , Corey Fogelmanis , Juliette Lewis , Allison Janney , Gianni Paolo , Victor Turpin , Dante Brown
Plot: Loner Sue Ann is asked by Maggie, a new teenager in the quiet Ohio town, to buy some booze for her and her friends. Sue Ann sees this as her chance to make some friends, albeit much younger ones. She not only agrees but even lets them hang out and drink at her house. The only rules to follow are one of the kids has to stay sober, no cursing, no going upstairs and everyone has to call her Ma. Unknown to the party teens, her hospitality hides a dark intention!

My Movie Review: The movie is a claptrap stalker thriller that saves the best craziness on the last parts- lips sewn shut, burned with an iron, put white paint on a face & make out then stab:) Ma is some calculated obsession then batshit crazy with a fun crowd of teenagers looking for a place to party but it turns out she has some pretty dark secrets as she remember the past and the wrong doings she experience' the young characters are unknowingly drugged by the villain! Octavia Spencer rules in it with a strong mix of terror and annoying face that's creepy when to much in focus yet the guts she shown breaking her the stereotype image of a dramatic actress! Luke Evans made some scene stealing appearance in movies nowadays like Murder Mystery on Netflix, the recent action spy flick Anna and now here a father who got tied and strip by Ma:) The two chicks and a trio of boys are fun to watch make an instant squad goals as they shine showing their unique personality audience can relate as parents who grown old can relate too:)

Metacritic Reviews: The most fun I've had at the movies this year and that's all I'm gonna say. Ma is one loony little horror film, and Octavia Spencer has a grand old time being the craziest thing in it. OK guys, its a horror movie, so loved since it started, so proud of all them. Ma may not cover entirely new ground, but the execution still manages to be refreshing. Attempts to be a psychological campy thriller but gets so lost in trying to construct a message that all the exaggerated thrills die before even lifting off. Ma is a showcase for Octavia Spencer's ability to turn her typecast traits into utterly disturbing obsession destabilization, but the film's less potent genre punch never lives up to its main character's psychotic allure. In the end, the filmmakers settle for stigmatizing victim hood, abusing Sue Ann almost as much as her former tormentors. She easily switched from being that nice old lady who lives next door to that psycho killer next door in a matter of seconds. Love this movie so much' so stop the servation:)


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