Tuesday 10 October 2023


Director: Cédric Jimenez
Cast: Gilles Lellouche , Karim Leklou , François Civil , Adèle Exarchopoulos , Cyril Lecomte , Michaël Abiteboul , Vincent Darmuzey , Kenza Fortas , Jean-Yves Berteloot , Jacques Kounta
Plot: Tired of the so small-time grind, three Marseille cops get a chance to bust a major drug network. However, lines blur when a key informant makes a big ask. A police brigade working in the dangerous northern neighborhoods of Marseille, where the level of crime is higher than anywhere else in France.

My Movie Review: The movie is much ado about nothing the overexaggerating action helps to surpasses any expectations we may have for a gritty cop drama and its such pleasant surprise! Based on actual events, The Stronghold is a stylish but familiar cop drama that examines the tightrope police officers sometimes have to walk fine line doing the wrongdoings right at back! The Stronghold is entertaining but uneven mix of knockabout fun and seriously compromised policing overall is fine, and has plenty going for it. If you're a fan of the '00s crime TV series The Shield, you will see aspects of it, chaotic but we love that kind of chaos give us adrenaline! The events transpiring in The Stronghold are portrayed in such realistic and dark manner, the grey-black tone utilized throughout the film succeeds the mood of gang life pulse racing auteur that works brilliantly well for the first two-thirds, with strong characters if sympathetically drawn! The final act stumbles though predicament they take a gang in that are selling turtles during a BBQ, Antoine expresses his wish that they had taken the cash from an earlier bust operation! Once Antoine does tell Internal Affairs about his informant, the charges of drug trafficking are dropped and the end titles reveal Yass is now with the police union, Antoine resigned to work as a prison nurse and Greg was removed from the police force' he became a municipal officer:)

Critic Reviews: The Stronghold tries to say something but doesn't have the tools or the right political messaging to deliver it clearly. For cops-and-drug-dealers thriller it be frustrating. The Stronghold is an immersive, gripping drama that's much more than just the suspenseful, brilliantly staged action set piece that occurs smack-dab at the movie's halfway point. In this slickly-produced and strongly-acted thriller, lots of buildup leads to nowhere. An ambitious but uneven policier that wants to be both knockabout buddy movie and action-packed drama with serious, contemporary themes! For all its weaknesses and occasional lapses into cliché, The Stronghold should still get you through a couple of hours, entertained and mostly engrossed. In terms of action scenes and adrenaline, The Stronghold fulfills its contract perfectly, with the film also drawing a lot of its quality! Loosely based on the real-life story in 2012 that found many Marseille police officers charged of corruption, stealing and selling drugs and receiving bribes, this film misguidedly reimagines the story through these 3 White police officers. The Stronghold is an immersive, gripping drama that's much more than just the suspenseful, brilliantly staged action set piece! The Stronghold Netflix is such a outstanding gritty thriller movie. This French thrillers has enough action, style, betrayals and a great script for plenty average does of action!

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