Friday 23 January 2015


Director: Sergey Bodrov
Cast: Ben Barnes , Julianne Moore , Jeff Bridges, Kit Harington , Djimon Hounsou
Plot: John Gregory, who is a seventh son of a seventh son and also the local spook, has protected his country from witches, boggarts, ghouls and all manner of things that go bump in the night. However John is not young anymore, and has been seeking an apprentice to carry on his trade. Most have failed to survive. The last hope is a young farmer's son named Thomas Ward. Will he survive the training to become the spook that so many others couldn't? Should he trust the girl with pointy shoes? How can Thomas stand a chance against Mother Malkin, the most dangerous witch in the county?


My Movie Review: This movie looks fake just like the poster, the effects was out-dated which result with too much fantasy. The movie could be better if it was release earlier but the release date shifted numerous times, it losses it's freshness. I don't understand the movie during the first half but towards the middle I just enjoyed it. The trailer looks good and my friend wants to see it that's why I watched this but didn't meet my standards.
My Favorite Term: Seventh Son of a Seventh Son

The seventh son of a seventh son is a concept from folklore regarding special powers given to, or held by, such a son. The seventh son must come from an unbroken line with no female children born between, and be, in turn, born to such a seventh son.


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